Friday, February 14, 2020

Nursing Home Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Home Care - Research Paper Example Background of study: The residents of nursing homes would in several occasions be sent to hospitals to undergo diagnostic tests or for acute healthcare services. In the year 2000, Carusone, Loeb and Lohfeld (2006) observed that there were about 46% of Americans older than 65 who would be in these nursing homes before death. This is quite a considerable number of the total population. Most of these long term care facility, LCTF residents would be transferred to hospitals to receive acute medical services and undergo diagnostic tests. It should be noted that these people usually would be supported in their daily activities including bathing, eating and toileting among others. Improved technology, fiscal pressures and associated services make it complicated for nursing home residents in hospitals. Similarly, the cost of these transfers has proven to be too high. There has thus been an increase concern if hospitalization services could be provided at these nursing homes. Respiratory trac t infections have been pointed out by Boise and White (2004) as the leading killer among nursing homes as documented in a Canadian study, the reason why pneumonia has been sampled in this study. The findings of this research would therefore enable nurses to advise accordingly when families of nursing home residents seek advice on where to have these persons treated. It would also enable provision of services to the satisfaction of the residents of nursing homes and their families. The purpose of this study was to determine whether in situ care among LTCF residents would give the value much sought by the residents and their families. This was achieved by identifying the experience that participants had with pneumonia and what locus of care would be preferred. The research also sought to find the differences that these participants perceived between hospital-based care and LTCF care and what would be the criteria for good care. Methods of study: In this study, qualitative descriptive study was employed. The participants involved members of families of LTFC residents and the residents themselves who had previously been treated for pneumonia. Members of staff in these nursing homes were asked to follow a pathway of treatment that would help in deciding the locus of care. 20 nursing homes were matched according to their sizes and a member randomly selected from each pair chosen to use the clinical pathway while the counterpart continued with the normal pneumonia diagnosis and treatment procedure. The family members and residents who could not make informed decisions on the locus of treatment were involved in the study’s in-depth interviews. Nurses were charged with the task of inviting participants that remembered their experiences. Participants signed consent before participating in these interviews. The data collected from 14 interviews were then analyzed by use of editing style borrowed from Miller and Crabtree. Results of study: Residents and family memb ers alike preferred that pneumonia be treated in the nursing homes as much as possible. Though the reasons for this were varied, most of them argued that nursing homes provide the much needed attention and care than in hospitals. Both parties agreed that some situations would call for hospitalization such as in cases of broken bones, fainting and operations, but not for any reason whatsoever in cases of pneumonia. The residents preferred

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Rewriting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Rewriting - Essay Example Talbot gives an example of atashi and boku in the Japanese language. Women use the first one while men use the second one to mean the same thing â€Å"I.† Although the people who speak Japanese language can tell the difference, other people may claim that the two terms have different meanings. The same case applies to other societies such as the Carib Indians. According to Johnson and Tannen, behavioral differences across genders affect speech presentation. Men and women have different roles in the families and in the society too. Therefore, women have a tendency of talking about family and social issues as opposed to men, who tend to spend more time talking about politics and work related issues. These differences, according to Johnson and Tennen (p.53), come out as power differences. Men are considered superior to women since they are involved and often discuss more important issues concerning work and society. Women on the other hand, are considered less powerful since they discuss family and personal issues. Men take the center stage in the conversation. They seem to initiate and control the discourse of any conversation. Women will join in the conversation when they are allowed or when it is necessary to do so. These differences in conversations are seen as power differences. 2. Provide several examples of politically-correct (or bias-free) language as discussed by Kakutani and of doublespeak as discussed by Lutz. Discuss some of the motivations in each case for why such changes in language have been proposed/ used. What are some of the ways in which politically correct language and doublespeak are different and some of the ways in which they are similar? With the increasing need for observing gender and political sensitivity, choice of words becomes necessary. According to Kakutani, there exists politically correct language that is used to avoid political bias. Some of the most common bias words include master, fellow, king, lord among others (p. 517).